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Levitra viagra vs. Harmaceuticals. At the end of March 1998, Viagra was approved by the FDA (the U.S Food and Drug Administration) for prescription sale. In fact, doctors and other health care providers advise careful optimism when taking Viagra is considered. Even when clinical tests show very promising results, every customer have to meet with some side effects and realistic expectations. Contrary to some opinion, Viagra is not an aphrodisiac and does not have any influences on level of libido or desire. Moreover, it does not directly invoke erection, but acts on reply to sexual stimulation Levitra is also approved by the FDA drug to cure the ED in men. There are a different dosages of the drug. Levitra is available in 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg pills and it can be taken only if it is needed.  Levitra increases the blood flow from the brain to the penis and helps men who suffer from the ED to achieve and uphold erection. After sexual activity, the blood flow to the penis should decrease what resul levitra viagra

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Ts in losing erection. While a beginning of working is discussed, the benefit of using Levitra is clear. Viagra starts to act about 30-60 minutes after taking the pill, when Levitra acts even after 16 minutes. Moreover, by being available in 3 different dosages, Levitra can be properly chosen to personal needs and Viagra occurs mainly in two dosages (50 mg and 100mg). Furthermore, Levitra may be taken with food while  Viagra should be taken on an empty stomach. Levitra has no detrimental side effects on the heart or vision when Viagra has to be carefuly monitoring for these and other side effects. What is more, in clinical trials Levitra lasted longer than Viagra. But before you will make your mind, you should take Cialis (a drug manufactured by Lilly Icos) into account.   Entry Filed under: More About Levitra Calendar December 2006 M T W T F S S « Aug 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 Most Recent Posts LEVITRA a New Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction Wha levitra viagra

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levitra viagra vs :lang="en" lang="en"> Levitra Online » Viagra Vs. Levitra Levitra Online Home About Viagra Vs. Levitra August 2nd levitra viagra vs, 2006 Let`s face some facts about Viagra. Viagra levitra viagra vs, the first approved non-surgical cure for erectile dysfunction (the ED) that does not have to be both injected and inserted directly into the penis levitra viagra vs, was made by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. At the end of March 1998 levitra viagra vs, Viagra was approved by the FDA (the U.S Food and Drug Administration) for prescription sale. In fact levitra viagra vs, doctors and other health care providers advise careful optimism when taking Viagra is considered. Even when clinical tests show very promising results levitra viagra vs, every customer have to meet with levitra viagra vs.

levitra viagra vs some side effects and realistic expectations. Contrary to some opinion levitra viagra vs, Viagra is not an aphrodisiac and does not have any influences on level of libido or desire. Moreover levitra viagra vs, it does not directly invoke erection levitra viagra vs, but acts on reply to sexual stimulation Levitra is also approved by the FDA drug to cure the ED in men. There are a different dosages of the drug. Levitra is available in 2.5 mg levitra viagra vs, 5 mg levitra viagra vs, 10 mg levitra viagra vs, and 20 mg pills and it can be taken only if it is needed.  Levitra increases the blood flow from the brain to the penis and helps men who suffer from the ED to achieve and uphold erection. After sexual activity levitra viagra vs, the blood flow to the penis should decrease what results in losing erection. While a beginning of working is discussed levitra viagra vs, the benefit of using Levitra is clear. Viagra starts to act about 30-60 minutes after taking the pill levitra viagra vs, when Levitra acts even after 16 minutes. Moreover levitra viagra vs, by being available in 3 different dosages levitra viagra vs, Levitra can be properly chosen to personal needs and Viagra occurs mainly in two dosages (50 mg and 100mg). Furthermore levitra viagra vs, Levitra may be taken with food while  Viagra should be taken on an empty stomach. Levitra has no detrimental side effects on the heart or vision when Viagra has to be carefuly monitoring for these and other side effects. What is more levitra viagra vs, in clinical trials Levitra lasted longer .

levitra viagra vs Results in losing erection. While a beginning of working is discussed levitra viagra vs, the benefit of using Levitra is clear. Viagra starts to act about 30-60 minutes after taking the pill levitra viagra vs, when Levitra acts even after 16 minutes. Moreover levitra viagra vs, by being available in 3 different dosages levitra viagra vs, Levitra can be properly chosen to personal needs and Viagra occurs mainly in two dosages (50 mg and 100mg). Furthermore levitra viagra vs, Levitra may be taken with food while  Viagra should be taken on an empty stomach. Levitra has no detrimental side effects on the heart or vision when Viagra has to be carefuly monitoring for these and other side effects. What is more levitra viagra vs, in clinical trials Levitra lasted longer t.

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Ious proviso is that extensive data are available on Viagra (more than 20 million men treated, more than 1100 peer-reviewed articles as of Feb. & 8217;03), but only limited data on Cialis and Levitra. Drs. Gresser and Gleiter from the U. Tubingen in Germany have compared the three drugs via literature review (Eur. J. Med. Res. 7:435, 2002) In brief, efficacy is approximately 70% with all 3 drugs. The side effect profile is similar among the 3 drugs, except that blue discoloration of vision (overlap with PDE-6 in the retina) is seen only with Viagra (<0.5%) and muscle aches only with Cialis (~5%). Otherwise, vasodilatory side effects (headaches, nasal congestion, flushing) are common with all, but are mild, and only rarely cause men to drop out of clinical trials (2-3% quit rate). All 3 will carry a contra-indication in men using organic nitrates. Otherwise, the long half-life of Cialis (17.5 hours) is noteworthy, earning this drug the nickname & 8216;weekender,& 8217; as a single dose taken on Friday would still be exerting an effect Sunday (or even Monday). Conclusion Alternative PDE-5 inhibitors Cialis and Levitra will soon be in competition with Viagra, and the launch of these new drugs is certain to bring many men with ED into doctors& 8217; offices. Aside from the long half-life of Cialis, and the excellent track record of Viagra, the differences between the 3 drugs are not great. All appear to be effective and safe, provided concomitant nitrates are avoided,. A potential for serious hypotension exists should an organic nitrate be used along with any of these three

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