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Zoloft-weaning off

Off weaning zoloft. Aily. I am active, jogging several times weekly, and am medium built. I know body composition may effect the levels remaining in my sysem. How long does it take for the medication to be depleted from my system? (weigh 140 s) Answer: The medication wil usually be gone within about a week to ten days. The withdrawal syndrome(if it occurs)may occur up to three weeks after stopping zoloft. The different SSRIs have different 1 2 lifes which affect both the time to leave your system as well as the potential onset duration of the withdrawal syndrome. Paxil is the shortest, Prozac the longest and Zoloft is in the middle. posted 05 1 2000 Question: I stopped taking Zoloft 4 days ago because I have been on it for 31 2 years and I am worried that it has contributed to weight gain and who knows what else down the road. I know it is reccomended to "notify my Dr." first but I just wanted to do it cold turkey. So, today, 4 days later I am getting symptoms of shakiness and panic. Is that common and wi off weaning

Anyone know about withdrawals from weaning off seroquel - abc ...

Ll there be other symptoms. I am not going to go to the Dr. I just want to do this cold turkey. This may be stupid but I'm doing it and just want to know other problems I may encounter, When I first started taking it 3 & 1 2 years ago I was in bankruptcy proceedings and also dealing with an unfaithful husband. Also problems with my son messing around with recreational drugs. The zoloft helped me get through all of that. It's over now> I want to get off of it. Answer: I would expect a flu like feeling, aches, fatigue, nausea to last up to two weeks. posted 04 28 2000 Question: In the past I have had two "grand mal" seizures when withdrawing from xanax. I have been taking paxil for years, my doctor has stoped the paxil, and is starting my on zoloft, and after 5 to 6 weeks he wants to add Wellbutrin. My question is, am I in danger of having seizures when I start the wellbutrin? Answer: These drugs do increase the risk of seizure, but probaly pretty small if your EEG is normal and these we off weaning

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off weaning zoloft:

off weaning zoloft I am not currently on any medications. I really appreciate your help with this off weaning zoloft, and thank you in advance. Answer: It is not a permanent thing off weaning zoloft, but weight is very hard to lose for most patients once it is on. posted 05 22 2000 Question: Re. Zoloft I have been taking Zoloft for post natal depression for the last year. Within this time I have taken myself off Zoloft a couple of times and within a couple of days I have felt extremely depressed again. While I have been taking Zoloft I seem to feel much better for a while then these 'good' feelings seem to plateau so I then think that Zoloft is not working or cannot help me anymore off weaning zoloft, so I stop taking it. Then I st off weaning zoloft.

off weaning zoloft Art to feel very depressed again as I earlier described. Also I have been breastfeeding my child during the time I took Zoloft and I am worrired it could affect her. Should my dosage be higher if it feels like it is not working anymore or my depression feels like it has worsened. Answer: You don't mention your dosage off weaning zoloft, but sounds like a higher dosage is in order. Most mds would recommend not breast feeding if the zoloft is necessary due to the lack of information on babies exposed to these drugs. posted 05 19 2000 Question: I have episodes of depression. The first major episode started when I was in my 30's. I was treated with Prozac for a few years. The personality it produced seemed excessively artificial to me. The next episode was treated with Zoloft. This produced a less excessive and artificial personality which my husband likes off weaning zoloft, but it has had a negative effect on my desire for sex. I have just become aware of Bupropion. Could Bupropion (dopamine uptake regulator) be used in conjunction with Zoloft (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor) or should it be used instead of Zoloft. I am concerned about gaining sexual libido at the expense of a stable personality produced by the Zoloft. Answer: Commonly used with Zoloft to help the sex drive. If this is not successful off weaning zoloft, try Ritalin or equivalent the day you wish.

off weaning zoloft Nality it produced seemed excessively artificial to me. The next episode was treated with Zoloft. This produced a less excessive and artificial personality which my husband likes off weaning zoloft, but it has had a negative effect on my desire for sex. I have just become aware of Bupropion. Could Bupropion (dopamine uptake regulator) be used in conjunction with Zoloft (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor) or should it be used instead of Zoloft. I am concerned about gaining sexual libido at the expense of a stable personality produced by the Zoloft. Answer: Commonly used with Zoloft to help the sex drive. If this is not successful off weaning zoloft, try Ritalin or equivalent the day you wish .

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