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Soma abuse. N pain-relieving drug related to codeine. "It triggered the most uncontrollable craving," said Jonathan, a 54-year-old Los Angeles resident who spoke on condition that his last name not be used. "It takes the edge off the (Vicodin) so you get a very mellow, speedy high. ... It's a much scarier drug and more dangerous drug than most people realize." Authorities say carisoprodol is generally taken with hydrocodone (commonly sold under the brand name Lorcet) and alprazolam (Xanax) in a combination known by the street names "holy trinity" or "cocktail." It has been the most commonly abused muscle relaxant, according to federal Drug Abuse Warning Network statistics. Between 1994 and 2002, mentions of it in connection with drug abusers' visits to hospital emergency rooms increased 54 percent. More recent national statistics are as yet unavailable. But a June report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement showed that carisoprodol and meprobamate soma abuse

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Were a factor in 289 drug-related deaths last year -- a 39 percent increase from 2003, among the highest of all drugs studied. Florida has made carisoprodol a Schedule IV controlled substance, meaning it is recognized as having some potential for abuse. Scheduled drugs are subject to licensing requirements and other restrictions related to production, possession and distribution. Schedule I drugs, such as heroin, and Schedule II drugs, such as cocaine, are regarded as having the highest abuse potential. Xanax, Valium and Halcyon are other Schedule IV substances. Mississippi's Reeves said making Soma a Schedule IV drug "will definitely make doctors think about" whether it could be abused. "Doctors are much more comfortable writing a prescription for something that's not a controlled substance than for something that is," he said. Nevada's Board of Pharmacy decided last year to make carisoprodol a Schedule IV drug. "We wanted to be able to track Soma use because soma abuse

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soma abuse Say carisoprodol is generally taken with hydrocodone (commonly sold under the brand name Lorcet) and alprazolam (Xanax) in a combination known by the street names "holy trinity" or "cocktail." It has been the most commonly abused muscle relaxant soma abuse, according to federal Drug Abuse Warning Network statistics. Between 1994 and 2002 soma abuse, mentions of it in connection with drug abusers' visits to hospital emergency rooms increased 54 percent. More recent national statistics are as yet unavailable. But a June report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement showed that carisoprodol and meprobamate were a factor in 289 drug-related deaths last yea soma abuse.

soma abuse R -- a 39 percent increase from 2003 soma abuse, among the highest of all drugs studied. Florida has made carisoprodol a Schedule IV controlled substance soma abuse, meaning it is recognized as having some potential for abuse. Scheduled drugs are subject to licensing requirements and other restrictions related to production soma abuse, possession and distribution. Schedule I drugs soma abuse, such as heroin soma abuse, and Schedule II drugs soma abuse, such as cocaine soma abuse, are regarded as having the highest abuse potential. Xanax soma abuse, Valium and Halcyon are other Schedule IV substances. Mississippi's Reeves said making Soma a Schedule IV drug "will definitely make doctors think about" whether it could be abused. "Doctors are much more comfortable writing a prescription for something that's not a controlled substance than for something that is soma abuse, " he said. Nevada's Board of Pharmacy decided last year to make carisoprodol a Schedule IV drug. "We wanted to be able to track Soma use because it helps us to sort out ... the people prescribing them soma abuse, " said Louis Ling soma abuse, the board's general counsel. Washington's state Board of Pharmacy is evaluating whether to make Soma a Schedule IV drug and could reach a decision later this year soma abuse, said Lisa Salmi soma abuse, the board's deputy director. In Idaho soma abuse, however soma abuse, lawmakers have balked. State Rep. Robert Ring soma abuse, R-Caldwell soma abuse, said he introd.

soma abuse Tors are much more comfortable writing a prescription for something that's not a controlled substance than for something that is soma abuse, " he said. Nevada's Board of Pharmacy decided last year to make carisoprodol a Schedule IV drug. "We wanted to be able to track Soma use because it helps us to sort out ... the people prescribing them soma abuse, " said Louis Ling soma abuse, the board's general counsel. Washington's state Board of Pharmacy is evaluating whether to make Soma a Schedule IV drug and could reach a decision later this year soma abuse, said Lisa Salmi soma abuse, the board's deputy director. In Idaho soma abuse, however soma abuse, lawmakers have balked. State Rep. Robert Ring soma abuse, R-Caldwell soma abuse, said he introdu.

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soma abuse
O an unborn fetus. It also appears in the breast milk of mothers who use it. Soma's potential for causing addiction is well known. People can become addicted to Soma and similar drugs even when these drugs are the prescribed treatment. Others deliberately use Soma to enhance the effects of alcohol or other drugs. Methods of Use Soma is taken orally in pill or tablet form. Effects on the Central Nervous System Soma acts directly on the central nervous system rather than directly on skeletal muscles. The drug seems to interrupt neuronal communication with the spinal cord and certain areas of the brain, resulting in sedation and altered perception of pain. The main effects of this drug may result from its general sedating effect. Intoxication Side effects of using Soma include: Agitation Depression Dizziness Sleepiness Facial flushing Fainting Headache Insomnia Poor coordination Nausea and vomiting Rapid heart rate Stomach problems Shaking and tremors Life Risks Soma can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and other symptoms of sedative intoxication, making driving under the influence of the drug dangerous. Persons taking Soma for medical reasons should be aware of the addictive properties of this drug. Withdrawal Withdrawal symptoms include: Abdominal cramps Headache Insomnia Chills Nausea Back to Legal Drugs Online Treatment How Online Treatment Works Drug and Alcohol Information Frequently Asked Questions Adolescent Treatment Website eGetgoing, Inc. About Us Information For Substance Abuse Professionals Current News Resources Addiction Information Chemical Dependency Is Chemical D

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