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Soma fm

Soma fm. Inding Indie Pop Rocks then at any time in my past. The loss of IPR is just plain devastating. I don't know where I'm going to turn to now for finding great music. Nothing else I have found on the web, let alone the gawd-awful radio, has been even remotely close to it. Unbelievable. Has anyone out there found anything on par with IPR? If so, please pass on the URL. We need it! random_ September 2, 2005 07:54 AM I will pay for Indie Pop Rocks I confess and am ashamed to admit, that I failed to even once donate to SomaFM even though I listened to their Indie Pop Rocks on a daily basis ever since finding it. Now with the prospect of there being no IPR again, I'm more than willing to make up for it if it will bring back our beloved IPR. I can't even imagine life without it. I had just recently been considering paying $15 a month for, but I got so much more value out of Indie Pop Rocks that I would be far more willing to put that $15 per month, perhaps even more, toward IPR. Doe soma fm

They killed! you bastards! - o'reilly onlamp blog

S anyone have contact information for those involved in SomaFM and IPR in particular? sjonke September 2, 2005 08:09 AM Winamp still streams Indi Pop Rocks I can still get indi pop rocks via Winamp's internet radio winman9000 September 2, 2005 10:20 AM Winamp still streams Indi Pop Rocks http: stream 1073 winman9000 September 2, 2005 10:26 AM 2005 SomaFM death may not be true - case of confusion? Hopefully this will prove to be just a case of technical difficulties. It seems that some wily web citizen linked to this article, which is from 2002, in a discussion today on what happened to SomaFM, which at least for many of us seems to be down (both the web site and streams). Tie that in with lack of response to a recent email I sent them and... maybe we are getting our panties in a bunch for nothing. Guess we should be more careful about reading the dates on these articles. :) However, this does beg the question: whatever happened with these fees? I found in a quick searc soma fm

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soma fm:

soma fm N still get indi pop rocks via Winamp's internet radio winman9000 September 2 soma fm, 2005 10:20 AM Winamp still streams Indi Pop Rocks http: stream 1073 winman9000 September 2 soma fm, 2005 10:26 AM 2005 SomaFM death may not be true - case of confusion? Hopefully this will prove to be just a case of technical difficulties. It seems that some wily web citizen linked to this article soma fm, which is from 2002 soma fm, in a discussion today on what happened to SomaFM soma fm, which at least for many of us seems to be down (both the web site and streams). Tie that in with lack of response to a recent email I sent them and... maybe we are getting our panties in a bunch for nothing. soma fm.

soma fm Guess we should be more careful about reading the dates on these articles. :) However soma fm, this does beg the question: whatever happened with these fees? I found in a quick search that there was a bill passed that delayed them for 6 months soma fm, but then what? Was the bill extended? How long if so? Did the RIAA agree to lower the fees to a reasonable rate? Anyway soma fm, the most important thing is that SomaFM and IPR come back from this current down time.... sjonke September 2 soma fm, 2005 11:46 AM I'm not surprised with GREED being the underlining theme for this decade. . . Well soma fm, it's offical then. No more GROOVE SALAD. Groove Salad introduced me to some of the greatest lounge soma fm, jazz and ambient mixes I've ever heard. Stuff like Mr. Scruff soma fm, Theivery Corp. soma fm, Zero 7 and more. Just when I thought the greed infestation had stopped with California real-estate and national gas prices soma fm, it's hit internet radio. I'm so tired of corporations and now even the government trying to kill anything that isn't making fat wallets fatter. This sucks soma fm, and I'm pissed. I want to know if there's a march planned to storm down the white house. . .I'll be there. It's not just Groove Salad not being available. . . now it's personal. zoltanb September 2 soma fm, 2005 04:47 PM Soma FM stills reigns supreme! This whole story is tragic soma fm, but the good news is that Soma FM st.

soma fm Azz and ambient mixes I've ever heard. Stuff like Mr. Scruff soma fm, Theivery Corp. soma fm, Zero 7 and more. Just when I thought the greed infestation had stopped with California real-estate and national gas prices soma fm, it's hit internet radio. I'm so tired of corporations and now even the government trying to kill anything that isn't making fat wallets fatter. This sucks soma fm, and I'm pissed. I want to know if there's a march planned to storm down the white house. . .I'll be there. It's not just Groove Salad not being available. . . now it's personal. zoltanb September 2 soma fm, 2005 04:47 PM Soma FM stills reigns supreme! This whole story is tragic soma fm, but the good news is that Soma FM sti.

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