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tramadol overdose Lecular Weight 299.8 Uses2 Indications Tramadol is indicated for the management (treatment and prevention) of moderate to severe pain Therapeutic Dose (Data Sheet) Adults and children over 12 years Oral - 50 mg to 100 mg followed not more frequently than 4 hourly. A total daily dose of more than 400 mg is not generally required. IV IM - For post operative pain an initial dose of 100 mg is given. During the next 60 minutes 50 mg can be given every 10-20 minutess upto a total dose of 250 mg. Maximum 600 mg daily. Children under 12 years Not recommended. Elderly Usual dose Renal Impairment Severe not recommended Moderate increase the dosage interval to 12 hours tramadol overdose.

tramadol overdose Hepatic Impairment Severe increase the dosage interval to 12 hours Precautions Head injury tramadol overdose, epilepsy tramadol overdose, raised intracranial pressure tramadol overdose, patients on other respiratory depressant drugs. Contraindications Known sensitivity to tramadol Patients taking MAOI's or within two weeks of stopping. Pregnancy3 There are no published data on the outcome of human pregnancy after tramadol exposure in the first trimester. Tramadol has been used during labour with no significant adverse effects on the fetus neonate. Animal studies have not demonstrated any increase in fetal malformation. Tramadol should not be given to pregnant women as there is inadequate evidence available on its safety. Breast Feeding2 Tramadol and its metabolites are found in small amounts in human breast milk and it is thought that an infant could ingest 0.1% of the dose given to the mother. The Data Sheet states that tramadol should not be administered to breast feeding mothers. Abuses Physical and psychological dependence is a potential risk tramadol overdose, although tramadol is at present tramadol overdose, less abused as a single drug than conventional opioids. Cases of abuse and dependence have occurred. Hazard risk classification: Pharmacokinetics4 Bioavailability 68% after a single oral dose 90-100% following multiple doses Volume of distribution 203L (IV) Metabolism 85% Elimination half.

tramadol overdose Ts safety. Breast Feeding2 Tramadol and its metabolites are found in small amounts in human breast milk and it is thought that an infant could ingest 0.1% of the dose given to the mother. The Data Sheet states that tramadol should not be administered to breast feeding mothers. Abuses Physical and psychological dependence is a potential risk tramadol overdose, although tramadol is at present tramadol overdose, less abused as a single drug than conventional opioids. Cases of abuse and dependence have occurred. Hazard risk classification: Pharmacokinetics4 Bioavailability 68% after a single oral dose 90-100% following multiple doses Volume of distribution 203L (IV) Metabolism 85% Elimination half .

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tramadol overdose
Nt. Her skin was slightly flushed and diaphoretic, and both pupils were dilated to 6 mm and symmetrically reactive to light. The patient had a mild, bilateral, 10-Hz hand tremor with no myoclonus or asterixis. Otherwise, results of her general medical and neurologic examination were unremarkable and without meningeal signs.1. Which one of the following is the most likely cause of our patient& 8217;s loss of consciousness?SyncopeSeizureSleep attacks (narcolepsy)StrokeConcussion after a fallPresyncopal symptoms include dizziness or light-headedness, generalized weakness, disturbance of vision, skin pallor, and diaphoresis followed by a sudden or gradual loss of consciousness or syncope that typically returns to normal rapidly. Convulsive syncope involves minor twitching and jerking movements due to global cerebral hypoperfusion. Atypical features of syncope in our patient included the scream before the witnessed convulsion and the 15- to 30-minute period of confusion after she regained consciousness.Seizure is the most likely diagnosis based on the patient& 8217;s history of unresponsiveness, witnessed convulsive movements, and postictal confusion. The descriptions provided by the witnesses were consistent with a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The tonic phase appears as generalized stiffening, whereas the clonic phase is characterized by rhythmic jerking of the extremities. During the patient& 8217;s seizure, the scream originated from chest wall and diaphragmatic muscle contraction, which forced air through a tight glottis.Narcolepsy is characterized by a tetrad of sleep

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