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Valium side effects. Orked. Xanax always seems to give out and starts causing rebound anxiety, Klonipin makes me exhausted all the time and Ativan is a joke. I will always recomend Valium. I have taken these medications on and off for several years when I finaly get a medication regime together Valium has always worked and has been easiest to get off of. People who think that benzos should be avoided are idiots. People who suffer from severe anxiety are the only ones that really understand! M 26 6 years Email 12 5 2006 5 Occipital Muscle Spasms Complete bliss I had suffered with intractable occipital neuralgia for 2 years, which was an endless cycle of spasms and sharp pain in the back of my head. Finally, I bit the bullet and had surgery to remove the ganglion at c2 c3. The surgery was generally successful for ridding me of the debilitating pain. However, the spasms got worse and I couldn't sleep at all. My wife could even see and feel knots on the back of my head from where the muscles were bound-up like valium side

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marbles. Valium is the only thing that completely eliminates the spasms- within an hour. Pain goes from a 5 to ZERO! Valium has been a Godsend when I was at the end of my rope. I only wish my PCP would have prescribed it sooner. Who knows, I might have been able to avoid the surgery. M 44 1 months 11 3 2006 5 Social Anxiety None, when you finally go to bed, you go to sleep easier, that's it : ) I Have been taking it for 3 days, to combat my Social Anxiety, I took it last Sunday before going to a family event, and people could not believe I was the same person, I was speaking to everybody etc etc... This is a drug that makes me crave physical contact, it is extremely effective at reducing anxiety. I Am not sure if it is also because of the dexamphetamine(Aderall) that I take for my ADD, but Valium(diazepam) is an incredibly useful aid to any social phobic, I had not felt like this for years, it removes most inhibitions, especially to talk to people, and as it makes you physically relax valium side

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valium side effects Ng without pulling my hair was five years ago. I have never been so five years. :-) F 23 2 weeks Email 8 19 2005 5 Aniiety Disorder Decrease in Libido M 58 5 years 5 3 2005 5 anxiety when i was prescribed to take it 3 times a day for a week i was exhuasted and i would get woozy. it is a godsent. i have horrible anxiety and i have back problems. vicodan gives me anxiety but cures my pain then i have to take valium to keep me from having a panic attack. You have to be careful tho. if you like it too much you can become addicted. i like it b c it doesn't makeme feel high. 23 3 years 4 1 2005 5 insomnia valium side effects, anxiety at bedtime I cannot tell what causes wh valium side effects.

valium side effects At valium side effects, due to a complicated life. I do not attribute my problems to Valium. This is a great drug. Without Valium my mind would not stop at bedtime. This drug worked perfectly (let me sleep)and let me wake refreshed 5mg at bedtime . More recently valium side effects, I developed headache problems that I do not attribute to Valium maybe overuse of protonix or Excedrin rebound . I now use Valium for headaches and occasional leg shakes(5 mg at night). Now valium side effects, I do not take it every day; more like every other day. M 55 2 years Email 3 27 2005 5 Exreme anxiety depression I have NO negative side effects that I experience. I know people (probaly don't have a anxiety disorder) that a half a pill knocks them out. for me it makes me feel I had been on Xanax for 2 years taking 2mg. 3 times a day valium side effects, unfortunatly the life span is only 2 hours or so. I got a high resistance to them valium side effects, and became EXTREMEMLY addicted. When I tried to stop cold turkey valium side effects, I can not begin to describe the pain and how sick I felt along with rebound anxiety I experienced. Went back just to feel F 40 4 days Email 2 15 2005 5 anxiety valium side effects, insomnia none. pleasant calm feeling as intended. i wanted to get a valium rx after noticing how much it calmed me before my many leg surgeries. THIS DRUG SAVED MY LIFE. i take paxil for chronic pain and buspar for anxiety as well. the combination of th.

valium side effects Ll knocks them out. for me it makes me feel I had been on Xanax for 2 years taking 2mg. 3 times a day valium side effects, unfortunatly the life span is only 2 hours or so. I got a high resistance to them valium side effects, and became EXTREMEMLY addicted. When I tried to stop cold turkey valium side effects, I can not begin to describe the pain and how sick I felt along with rebound anxiety I experienced. Went back just to feel F 40 4 days Email 2 15 2005 5 anxiety valium side effects, insomnia none. pleasant calm feeling as intended. i wanted to get a valium rx after noticing how much it calmed me before my many leg surgeries. THIS DRUG SAVED MY LIFE. i take paxil for chronic pain and buspar for anxiety as well. the combination of the.

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Lls; trouble in sleeping; ulcers or sores in mouth or throat (continuing& 041;& 059; uncontrolled movements of body, including the eyes; unusual bleeding or bruising; unusual excitement, nervousness, or irritability; unusual tiredness or weakness (severe& 041;& 059; yellow eyes or skin Withdrawal Side Effects - Notify Doctor: More common: Irritability; nervousness; trouble in sleeping Less common: Abdominal or stomach cramps; confusion; fast or pounding heartbeat; increased sense of hearing; increased sensitivity to touch and pain; increased sweating; loss of sense of reality; mental depression; muscle cramps; nausea or vomiting; sensitivity of eyes to light; tingling, burning, or prickly sensations; trembling or shaking Rare: Confusion as to time, place, or person; convulsions (seizures& 041;& 059; feelings of suspicion or distrust; hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there) Overdose Effects - Notify Doctor: Confusion (continuing& 041;& 059; convulsions (seizures& 041;& 059; drowsiness (severe) or coma; shakiness; slow heartbeat; slow reflexes; slurred speech (continuing& 041;& 059; staggering; troubled breathing; weakness (severe) For patients having diazepam injected: Check with your doctor if there is redness, swelling, or pain at the place of injection. Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor. Further Reading Side Effects Library About Bipolar Medications Updated: June 19, 2006Important disclaimer information about this About site.More on MedicationsSide Eff

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