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Xanax and tinnitus. Educe pressure in the inner ear, and perhaps improve the blood flow to the small blood vessels there. Betahistine hydrochloride is sold in Canada under the trade name "SERC", and is distributed by Solvay Kingswood, Inc, Scarborough, Ontario, M1B 3L6 for Unimed, Inc. Anecdotal Report Concerning SERC I have suffered from Meniere's disease for 21 years. I've had endolymphatic sac and 8th vestibular nerve surgeries on my left ear during the last 5 years. Starting in September '95, my right ear, which previously had been fine, began ringing loudly. The hearing in the right ear declined dramatically. My doctor tried a course of steroids to no effect. It looked like I was going to be deaf within a year. A friend of mine found your tinnitus FAQ file and mailed it to me. I reviewed its contents with my doctor. He referred me to another doctor who is more familiar with homeopathic and other alternative treatments. This doctor encouraged me to try SERC, which is not available in the US. I got an xanax and

Search results: xanax and tinnitus

Appointment with a Canadian doctor in Windsor, Ontario. I started using SERC (one 4mg pill three times per day) on April 20, 1995. Seven days later, nothing had improved so I increased the dosage to two 4mg pills three times per day (as the doctor said I could). Two days later the right ear ringing stopped completely and hasn't returned!!! I stayed on that dosage for a month. I've now cut back to 2mg three times a day and the ringing has not returned as of 7 30 95. There were no side effects from the SERC at any of the dosages I've tried. I have my life back. My left ear works pretty well with a hearing aid. My right ear has full normal hearing. I have no side effects from the SERC. (By the way, SERC is cheap. 100 4mg pills cost me about $18.) I'm happy to share my story with anyone. My name is Ken Cornell. Phone is: 313-878-0809. E-mail: cordley@ismi.net Please add this to your FAQ and keep up your good work. Your efforts have saved my hearing. All my friends, family, work associates xanax and

xanax and tinnitus:

xanax and tinnitus Told me that you can get 5 mg Hydergine tablets there for less than the price of 1 mg in the US. If contacts can be made directly with French pharmacists sympathetic to the use of the higher European dosages in the US xanax and tinnitus, mail-order access might be arrangeable for US tinnitus people. Hydergine has not been proven in rigorous scientific tests to be effective for tinnitus reduction. return to Quick Directory Sodium Fluoride A colorless crystalline salt used in the fluoridation of water xanax and tinnitus, in the treatment of tooth decay xanax and tinnitus, and as an insecticide and a disinfectant. May be helpful when the tinnitus is due to cochlear otosclerosis. return to Quick Directory Vasodilators xanax and tinnitus.

xanax and tinnitus A drug that causes vasodilation (dilation of a blood vessel). Vasodilators like niacin xanax and tinnitus, gingko biloba xanax and tinnitus, and prescription drugs for hypertension increase blood flow inside the skull xanax and tinnitus, raising the oxygen available for good nerve health. But note that vasodilation cannot benefit the cochlear hair cells xanax and tinnitus, as the blood vessel (vas spralie) which feeds these cells cannot expand or contract. Furthermore xanax and tinnitus, vasodilation may not always be helpful xanax and tinnitus, as explains one FAQ contributor: A few years ago xanax and tinnitus, physicians started treating some forms of stroke xanax and tinnitus, especially TIA's xanax and tinnitus, with vasodilators. The theory was that xanax and tinnitus, with dilation xanax and tinnitus, more blood could flow to the starved areas. A later study showed that xanax and tinnitus, in many cases xanax and tinnitus, the vasodilators made the condition worse. The reason was that dilation increased flow to non-damaged areas and robbed damaged areas of even more blood. By extrapolation xanax and tinnitus, one could conclude that tinnitus related to vascular damage could be made worse with vasodilators. I have no data to back this extrapolation up xanax and tinnitus, but it does seem reasonable. return to Quick Directory Diuretics A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine. Diuretics may be prescribed when Meniere's Disease is present. One contributor reported tinnitus relief from Dyazide. But be aware that some diuretics are ototoxic and can worsen or even .

xanax and tinnitus Dy showed that xanax and tinnitus, in many cases xanax and tinnitus, the vasodilators made the condition worse. The reason was that dilation increased flow to non-damaged areas and robbed damaged areas of even more blood. By extrapolation xanax and tinnitus, one could conclude that tinnitus related to vascular damage could be made worse with vasodilators. I have no data to back this extrapolation up xanax and tinnitus, but it does seem reasonable. return to Quick Directory Diuretics A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine. Diuretics may be prescribed when Meniere's Disease is present. One contributor reported tinnitus relief from Dyazide. But be aware that some diuretics are ototoxic and can worsen or even c.

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