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Zoloft and breast feeding. G pregnancy Taking Zoloft for post-partum depression; weight gain out of control Memory Loss and Zoloft? Taking Zoloft during pregnancy Feb. 2004 I would like to know if anybody has any advice on taking Zoloft during pregnancy? I was on Zoloft for 7 years for Anxiety Disorder. When I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant I immediatly stopped. I have felt fine up unitl now (6 months pregnant). The last couple of weeks I have been experiencing the anxiety again. It is stopping me from doing my everyday duties and making me depressed. I am struggling with the decision if I should just go back on it for the last four months of pregnancy or just tuff it out? Does anybody have any advice suggestions? I took Zoloft for depression during my pregnancy with my son who is now 19 months old and very healthy and developmentally on track. Working with a psychiatrist, I switched to Zoloft from Prozac to get pregnant because less (if any) gets into breast milk compared to Prozac. You might want to contact zoloft and

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The Postpartum Health Alliance (www.postpartumhealthalliance.org -- they also know about anxiety & depression during pregnancy) to see if you can get referrals to practitioners you can consult with to help make your decision. I don't think ''toughing it out'' is necessarily the best way to go. Your body is sending you the message that you need to take care of yourself, and there's some evidence to suggest that anxiety and depression in pregnancy can affect your baby (e.g., women who have high levels of anxiety during pregnancy may be more likely to deliver early). That doesn't mean you need to take medication. Massage is supposed to be helpful for this. If you're anxious about all this, though, I'd consult with someone who knows about antidepressants during pregnancy to understand the risks benefits. Given that I decided to take medication, the benefits obviously outweighed the risks for me. Good luck and be kind to yourself no matter what you decide! anon I too suffer from anxiety and zoloft and

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zoloft and breast feeding:

zoloft and breast feeding H someone who knows about antidepressants during pregnancy to understand the risks benefits. Given that I decided to take medication zoloft and breast feeding, the benefits obviously outweighed the risks for me. Good luck and be kind to yourself no matter what you decide! anon I too suffer from anxiety and mild depression. While pregnant with my first child (2000) I went off Zoloft. I too zoloft and breast feeding, had some trouble around 6 months zoloft and breast feeding, and so I did a tremendous amount of research. I even participated in a study at the Univ. of San Diego (your Dr. can help you find the latest results of this study) on the effects of Paxil and Zoloft on pregnancy. I spent a lot of time talking with my OB about it t zoloft and breast feeding.

zoloft and breast feeding Oo. All the information that I found zoloft and breast feeding, and was given zoloft and breast feeding, was very encouraging. I made the decision to take Zoloft during pregnancy and while breast feeding both of my children. The studies reveal that little to no of the medication passes to the child during pregnancy and the same with breast feeding. All resources that I consulted indicated that given the choice it is always better to not take the anti-depressant while pregnant and breast feeding. However zoloft and breast feeding, they also advise zoloft and breast feeding, that if you need it zoloft and breast feeding, and you are stressed and anxiety ridden zoloft and breast feeding, it is best to take it. All agreed that being a happy zoloft and breast feeding, adjusted mother far outweighs any of the risks. They also agreed that the benefits of breast feeding far out weigh any potential risks from the Zoloft. I am not a Dr. however zoloft and breast feeding, and I certainly recommend talking to your OB about any of your concerns. I found mine (Dr. Huibonhoa) to be very open zoloft and breast feeding, honest and caring about the subject. Best of Luck Happy Mom Take the Zoloft! I took it through both of my pregnancies and both of my children are fine. I was even taking 100 miligrams. Your children will be better off to have a mom who can function! You need it and they need you. I was also worried about possible effects but I really couldn't function without it. I also nursed both of my children for over a year. They are happy and healthy. Go.

zoloft and breast feeding Nefits of breast feeding far out weigh any potential risks from the Zoloft. I am not a Dr. however zoloft and breast feeding, and I certainly recommend talking to your OB about any of your concerns. I found mine (Dr. Huibonhoa) to be very open zoloft and breast feeding, honest and caring about the subject. Best of Luck Happy Mom Take the Zoloft! I took it through both of my pregnancies and both of my children are fine. I was even taking 100 miligrams. Your children will be better off to have a mom who can function! You need it and they need you. I was also worried about possible effects but I really couldn't function without it. I also nursed both of my children for over a year. They are happy and healthy. Goo.

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zoloft and breast feeding
Ken while breastfeeding, provided baby's blood lithium level is closely monitored, approximately every 2-4 weeks. Like all drugs, the more frequently you breastfeed and the younger the infant, the greater the concern. Back to top TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS Most antidepressants in the tricyclic category are listed as "safe to take while breastfeeding," except DoxetIn . Elavil (amitriptyline) is safe to take while breastfeeding. While an occasional dose of Valium (diazepam) is considered safe while breastfeeding, prolonged use is not advisable. Back to top ST. JOHN'S WORT While St. John's wort (hypericum perforatum) has been scientifically shown to be an effective antidepressant, its safety for a lactating mother has not been proven. Some authorities believe it could decrease a mother's milk supply. If you are considering the use of St. John's wort as an antidepressant, it would be wise to consult a doctor familiar with the latest research on the safety of this drug while breastfeeding. As with many herbs, St. John's wort requires an individualized dosage, with careful observation of the effects. Some mothers can safely take this herb without any change in their milk supply or effect on their infant, others cannot. Back to top ALTERNATIVES TO MEDICATION FOR DEPRESSION Before taking antidepressants, consider alternatives. Some mothers who required antidepressants prior to having a baby have found that the relaxing effects of breastfeeding have enabled them to lower the dosage or get off these medications entirely. Mild depression often responds to simple changes in your lifesty

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