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Zoloft during pregnancy. Ication. "The letters imply a gradation of risk that doesn't necessarily exist," says the FDA's Kweder. People falsely assume that drugs labeled as category X pose the most risk in pregnancy and drugs labeled as A pose the least. But X reflects a benefit-risk judgment, and drugs in that category may be no more toxic than drugs called C or D. Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, land in Category X simply because there is no reason to use them in pregnancy. And a drug can fall into Category C because there is some medium level of risk based on animal studies, or because no animal studies have been conducted. Since 1997, the FDA has been developing a new regulation that will revamp the pregnancy labeling system. The proposed regulation would replace the letter categories with more detailed, narrative descriptions. Information on fertility, pregnancy, and breast-feeding would be included. Pooling Data Enhancing data collection is critical for making a new labeling system meaningful for zoloft during

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health-care professionals, says Kweder. As part of a large, new safety reporting regulation that the FDA is developing, drug manufacturers would be required to provide periodic reports on positive and negative experiences in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. "In the past, we've waited for spontaneous reports of bad outcomes," she explains. "This rule would require a proactive approach--looking for data from different sources and trying to understand how they enhance our understanding of a given drug's safety profile." The FDA is also working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on strategies for more comprehensive data collection. "CDC has birth defects surveillance, FDA has spontaneous event reports, some companies conduct pregnancy registries, and clinicians are seeing their own cases," Kweder says. "But there is no way yet that we can systematically bring all of this together, and that's the direction we need to go." Pre-Pregnancy Planning Imagine findi zoloft during

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zoloft during pregnancy L Center. "Teratogen" is a term that refers to any substance with the potential to cause birth defects. Conover says advising patients and doctors about medication use in pregnancy is like working in shades of gray. "Parents want someone to assure them their babies will be OK zoloft during pregnancy, and of course that's what we want to do zoloft during pregnancy, " she says. "But it's very hard to prove absolute safety. We would need extensive zoloft during pregnancy, long-term studies to do that zoloft during pregnancy, and we don't have them in many cases." The reality zoloft during pregnancy, of course zoloft during pregnancy, is that pregnant women get sick zoloft during pregnancy, whether it's with pneumonia or cancer. Or like Jennifer zoloft during pregnancy, they come to pregnancy with chronic conditions that require treatment. So despite zoloft during pregnancy.

zoloft during pregnancy Some areas of uncertainty zoloft during pregnancy, health professionals must look to the resources they do have to make clinical decisions. Dianne Kennedy zoloft during pregnancy, a regulatory health project manager with the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) zoloft during pregnancy, says withholding all medication during pregnancy is not the answer. Too many conditions pose more of a health risk if left untreated zoloft during pregnancy, she adds (see "The Danger of Untreated Disease"). In fact zoloft during pregnancy, medication use in pregnancy is common zoloft during pregnancy, and the number of prescriptions tends to rise with the mother's age. "We use the safest zoloft during pregnancy, best drugs we can so women can receive the treatment they need zoloft during pregnancy, " Conover says. The FDA has taken several steps to improve doctors' ability to give pregnant women safe and effective drug treatments. For example zoloft during pregnancy, the FDA regularly trains its reviewers in translating reproductive studies in animals into health risks for humans. The agency has also drafted a guidance document for industry on establishing pregnancy registries. Sponsored mostly by pharmaceutical companies zoloft during pregnancy, these studies identify women using certain drugs and then observe pregnancy outcomes. In addition to general questions about safety zoloft during pregnancy, almost no information is available to help doctors know what the best dose of a particular medicine is for pregnant women. Changes in the body's physio.

zoloft during pregnancy taken several steps to improve doctors' ability to give pregnant women safe and effective drug treatments. For example zoloft during pregnancy, the FDA regularly trains its reviewers in translating reproductive studies in animals into health risks for humans. The agency has also drafted a guidance document for industry on establishing pregnancy registries. Sponsored mostly by pharmaceutical companies zoloft during pregnancy, these studies identify women using certain drugs and then observe pregnancy outcomes. In addition to general questions about safety zoloft during pregnancy, almost no information is available to help doctors know what the best dose of a particular medicine is for pregnant women. Changes in the body's physiol.

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zoloft during pregnancy
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