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Paxil withdraw symptom. on 20mg Paxil and have made several unsuccessful attempts at quitting over the years; the brain zaps always did me in and drove me insane. The nausea, the sweats, the vertigo, the rebound depression, and the intense rage were horrendous, but endless days of zapping always ended my struggle to get off, because taking the pill ended the zaps within an hour. Until now. Finally I'm clear. I will never know if I found an answer that can help others, but for me the only change this time was that I quit drinking prior to tapering off the drug. Virtually no zaps, and only vague symptoms of withdrawal. No word of a lie. No alcohol, and the nightmare of withdrawal gone. Now I'm attempting to deal with the return of strong emotion, because for a decade it's been locked away in a closet. Good news. I'm 30 pounds lighter and my sex drive has returned. I'm not constipated and I don't need 9 hours a night of sleep. I feel and look better than I have in years.Yeah, I just wish I could have those year paxil withdraw

Paxil withdrawal symptoms -defective drug information

S back. And the money that went to GSK in return for a chemical straitjacket. Please advise your readers to try acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help them deal with their withdrawal symptoms. I have done so and it is very helpful. Any reputable acupuncturist will know how to treat you and what herbs to give you for this problem I started my own formula for the withdrawal process: Tylenol for the head aches, Dramamine for the motion sickness and dizziness. i eliminated all alcohol, pop, and caffeine. To get to sleep i would meditate and do breathing exercises. I also took Tylenol pm to cause drowsiness. i began taking in large amounts of water. And prayed. Hope this helps someone!! I wrote you a while ago about my withdrawing off of Paxil using Valerian and Skullcap. Just to update you. As of today, I am taking 1 4 a pill and will be completely off the Paxil by Saturday. I am doing GREAT! Aside from some very short lived symptoms of light headedness and headaches, I did super! For the s paxil withdraw

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paxil withdraw symptom:

paxil withdraw symptom U're going to hate yourself and everyone around you paxil withdraw symptom, but get it over with and quit. These are my tips though: CHOOSE A GOOD TIME. If you live in Canada paxil withdraw symptom, January is not a good time. Wait until May when the sun's out. GET IN SHAPE FIRST. You don't have to be running triathalons paxil withdraw symptom, but make sure you have the stamina to go for walks and light bike rides every day. You'll need to do this if you want to stay sane. STAY AWAY FROM STRESSFUL SITUATIONS. This can not be emphasized enough. I'm extremely passive-submissive by nature paxil withdraw symptom, and even I nearly destroyed my life because of the anger that comes with withdrawal The first time I tried to come off paxil paxil withdraw symptom, I made the mis paxil withdraw symptom.

paxil withdraw symptom Take of thinking that I could continue like normal. I thought it would be like Celexa paxil withdraw symptom, so no problem. Bit of a headache paxil withdraw symptom, some dizziness paxil withdraw symptom, but on the whole paxil withdraw symptom, no big deal. Then paxil withdraw symptom, after about 4 days off the stuff and at the height of withdrawal paxil withdraw symptom, I put myself in the worst possible position. I reffed a high school basketball game between two of the best teams in the city. I was partnered with the worst ref in the league paxil withdraw symptom, and the game went into double-OT. Packed gym paxil withdraw symptom, people screaming paxil withdraw symptom, coaches yelling. Big mistake. The things that people say that normally roll off you paxil withdraw symptom, hit you like daggers when you're in withdrawal. The losing coach (who I'm surprised is allowed to work with kids) wouldn't let it go and kept at us long after the final buzzer. I'm a big enough guy to have ripped this coach in two. It took every ounce of determination I had to turn and walk away from that guy. I'm not a tough guy paxil withdraw symptom, but had I turned on him paxil withdraw symptom, I'm sure I would have killed him. I was that frayed. I went home and trashed my bedroom. I laugh at it now because it was my only opportunity to act like a 70s rock star with a valid excuse. I had to go back on the drugs before I hurt someone. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. This is surprisingly easy to do paxil withdraw symptom, especially once you're deep into withdrawal and a) you don't want to feel any worse paxil withdraw symptom, and b) you di.

paxil withdraw symptom K with kids) wouldn't let it go and kept at us long after the final buzzer. I'm a big enough guy to have ripped this coach in two. It took every ounce of determination I had to turn and walk away from that guy. I'm not a tough guy paxil withdraw symptom, but had I turned on him paxil withdraw symptom, I'm sure I would have killed him. I was that frayed. I went home and trashed my bedroom. I laugh at it now because it was my only opportunity to act like a 70s rock star with a valid excuse. I had to go back on the drugs before I hurt someone. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. This is surprisingly easy to do paxil withdraw symptom, especially once you're deep into withdrawal and a) you don't want to feel any worse paxil withdraw symptom, and b) you dis.

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paxil withdraw symptom
Me%3A%3A%26imageurl%3A%3A; expires=Mon, 31-Dec-2001 00:00:00 GMT; path= cgi-bin ; Connection: close Content-Type: text html Re: Paxil withdraw symptoms View Thread Post Response Return to Index Read Prev Msg Read Next Msg CyberPsych PenPals Re: Paxil withdraw symptoms Posted By: Cathie <>Date: 2 August 2005, at 5:34 p.m. In Response To: Re: Paxil withdraw symptoms (Ann) thats what the sound is swoosh and it is scary. Wish I had never listened to my dr. Fel Messages in This Thread Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 986)Vicki -- 30 November 2004, at 10:57 a.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 859)Gary -- 19 February 2005, at 1:27 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 808)SirYellow -- 22 February 2005, at 3:15 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 1505)Jen -- 12 April 2005, at 6:58 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 285)Andy -- 11 July 2006, at 6:45 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 212)Hill -- 6 August 2006, at 8:41 a.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 179)Carol -- 8 August 2006, at 10:22 a.m. I GOT OFF PAXIL TOO! (views: 869)SirYellow -- 22 February 2005, at 3:17 p.m. Re: I GOT OFF PAXIL TOO! (views: 1489)Fran -- 21 April 2005, at 1:09 a.m. Re: I GOT OFF PAXIL TOO! (views: 821)Diane -- 1 May 2005, at 2:33 p.m. Re: I GOT OFF PAXIL TOO! (views: 250)Marilyn -- 8 July 2006, at 12:02 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 1411)Sara -- 13 March 2005, at 9:28 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 679)Jen -- 24 March 2005, at 12:33 a.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 1206)amanda -- 22 April 2005, at 4:42 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 646)jenn -- 2 June 2005, at 6:36 p.m. Re: Paxil withdraw (views: 576)Daryl -- 14

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