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Soma addiction. Duced rate long enough to allow your body(and mind) to stabilize). So in about 3 weeks you would be a zero hydrocodone(if you were starting at 4-6 day). I'd save the ativan(or use it very sparingly) until you get to zero vikes!! If you stretch out the taper too long, and use ativan throughout, you will have a much worse withdrawal when you eventually get off it. Read through the Thomas recipe (and the rest of the threads here), as it will give you all kinds of helpful hints getting and staying off opiates. Good Luckpowderhunter04 16 2003C9 persnomas yes , I'll try and keep it simple. I was taking 4-6 7.5 Lortabs a day, or ES Vicodin and 4-6 350 Somas or is it 3.50, I don't know? I am now taking 3 4 of (1) 7.5 Lortab each night, and 1 of the Somas, and 1mg of Ativan...sometimes 1.25mg of the Ativan I am trying to do a reduction of the Lortab, about 1 8 of the pill each week...that means another 6 weeks just for the Vics I'll see a new Doc Monday, my regular guy, and I hope he has some e soma addiction

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Xperience to help.. I have been seeing another Doctor for about 2 weeks (she gave me the Ativan) I feel sort of stable...slept well last night..powderhunter04 16 2003C10 percsnomas Second try here I was taking 4-6 Lortabs a day 7.5 I think now, 1 Soma...350 whatever that means. I am now taking 3 4 of (1) Lortab, and the one Soma The Doc gave me 1mg of Ativan to help me sleep. One counsler told me the Ativan is better than the Lortabs percsnomas04 16 2003C11 powderhunter Okay. If you are at this low level(which 3 4's of a lortab and 1 soma is), why in the heck don't you just drop them both, and get through the rest of the withdrawals.....using the ativan sparingly?? Tapering over six weeks, from 3 4's of a lortab is just putting it off unnecesarily. You really have to be careful with the ativan.........a few weeks CAN get you hooked. You know, we will be here for you, to help you through whatever you decide. percsThomas0304 16 2003C12 momonhydros you're right. I should have known it was soma addiction

soma addiction:

soma addiction The Valium after day 4 or 5. During detox soma addiction, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time soma addiction, if necessary soma addiction, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom. Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need soma addiction, as often as you need it. Don't take it soma addiction, however soma addiction, if you don't need it. At the end of the fourth day soma addiction, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach) soma addiction, take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs soma addiction, and scale up or down soma addiction, depending o soma addiction.

soma addiction N how you feel. You can take up to 4 soma addiction, 000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters soma addiction, " consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally soma addiction, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD soma addiction, however soma addiction, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help. With breakfast soma addiction, take the mineral supplement. As soon as you can force yourself to soma addiction, get some mild exercise such as walking soma addiction, cycling soma addiction, swimming soma addiction, etc. This will be hard at first soma addiction, but will make you feel considerably better. PLEASE NOTE: If you have any medical complications soma addiction, first check with your doctor before detoxing to verify that this regimen is safe for you. So if there is anything you need soma addiction, please ask!!! Hang In There!!! percs lisabet04 16 2003C14 Thomas Powderhunter Hey soma addiction, bud soma addiction, whatza matter? Sorry you're out of sorts today - if I can help - or ya just want to vent - you've got my e-mail address. Hope you're feeling better soon. We all have "off" days - God knows I have my share of them. (grrrrr...) :) P.

soma addiction soon as you can force yourself to soma addiction, get some mild exercise such as walking soma addiction, cycling soma addiction, swimming soma addiction, etc. This will be hard at first soma addiction, but will make you feel considerably better. PLEASE NOTE: If you have any medical complications soma addiction, first check with your doctor before detoxing to verify that this regimen is safe for you. So if there is anything you need soma addiction, please ask!!! Hang In There!!! percs lisabet04 16 2003C14 Thomas Powderhunter Hey soma addiction, bud soma addiction, whatza matter? Sorry you're out of sorts today - if I can help - or ya just want to vent - you've got my e-mail address. Hope you're feeling better soon. We all have "off" days - God knows I have my share of them. (grrrrr...) :) Po.

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soma addiction
And relieve pain and cramping enough that I don't wake up as much. Over time I've had to raise the dosage quite a lot, currently taking 700mg at bedtime and try not to as you do have to keep raising the dose if you take it all the time. F 33 12 years Email 5 2 2004 4 Muscle Spasms Fatigue, Nausea This medicine has worked well in relieving the pain due to severe spasms in my neck and shoulder. Since I have began taking it I have had to double the dose to get the same effect I did in the begining. Otherwise, I am very pleased. F 22 6 months 3 22 2004 4 post-surgical knee pain Drymouth and heavy sedation, along with confusion and dizziness. Be aware of this drug, there has been recent debate over making it a schedule IV controlled substance. I have been on this drug for few months, and It can be potentially addicting from what I've heard. I was taken off Lortab because my doctor wanted me off the opioids. It works but I can't stand the feeling of being drunk. M 23 6 weeks 4 21 2003 4 muscle spasms in shoulder low back none F 35 8 6 2002 4 lower back muscle spasm and pain constipation and real bad "hang over" in the mornings regardless of what time I took the medication before I went to bed. F 39 9 days 6 14 2002 3 Back & Neck Pain sleppiness, sedation, wanting more I've been on and off of Soma for 6 years. One time, I took like 70 pills in 5 days and ended up in the hospital. It almost cost me my best friend and college education. I take it now but have to be SO careful. It isn't "Addicting" they say, but the feeling of no pain and sedation can be WAY too pleasent. When it's a

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