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What You Must Know About The Care Of Pearls
By Maureen McClements
Have you ever wondered if you should be concerned with the of your pearl jewelry? Why do these sea gems need such specialized and what makes them so different from your other jewelry? Here are the reasons why.

Gem and precious metal jewelry is produced deep inside the Earth, whereas your pearls are made by a living animal. They are created by living creatures called mollusks. They are precious jewels, a gift from nature and the sea and should be treated as such.

Even though this sea gem may appear very durable and hard, they are made out of a delicate material, an organic substance and are therefore an organic gemstone. Being a softer gemstone they have a lower resistance to heat, chemicals and contact and can be more easily scratched, cracked, and damaged.

Having this delicate nature they require a different kind of care, a more specialized type of attention than you may be used to with your other gem and precious metal jewelry. They need to be cared for accordingly to ensure they do not become dry and brittle and to also help maintain their luster through the years.

Key to the of pearls is to protect the nacre. This perfect gift from nature is the product of a biological process,

in which a composite material called nacre ("NAY-ker") is formed layer by layer. It is the result of a natural defense mechanism used by the mollusks when dirt, sand or food particles get into their system. They cover the object with nacre until the object is shaped like a pearl. The nacre accounts for much of this gem's beauty and is what gives it it's iridescent luster.

So, is it complicated and difficult, this proper of pearls?

No, not at all. It's quick and simple. Just learn these few easy of pearl jewelry steps:

-find out what substances are harmful to your pearls
-where, when and how to store this jewel when not being worn
-how to clean a pearl necklace, ring, bracelet or earrings
-care of mother of pearl jewelry
-when to consult a professional jeweler for pearl jewelry care, restoration and restringing

Simply put, proper for pearls and cleaning pearl jewelry is necessary to ensure the longevity of your unique pearl jewelry. Whether it be a pearl necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings, a little special attention and of your lustrous gems, will preserve their divine beauty. They will last a lifetime, becoming more beautiful with age.
Maureen McClements has a love, passion and wonder for pearls and offers information, tips and advice for the selection and care of pearl jewelry. Visit this link: Pearl Jewelry


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